chat net [multi user chat example] by Jon Cromer Copyright 1999 Jon Cromer AIM: senate heh, DontTrustHAL9000 This was a really quick example i wrote in vb5 using dsSocket to make a multi user chat. this is a 2 part program. (client/server). the client is the acual chat part and the server is just a stand alone app that everyone connects to and basically runs the chat. this program comes with full source and is meant for learning, not copying. if you do make a program like this in the future, remember where you learned from. im not asking for credit, im asking that you dont act like you did it all on your own, because you didn't. anywho, if the forms dont load because you cant use the RichTextBox control, AIM me and ill re-write the examples using a plain textbox for you. im a pretty nice guy and would be happy for feed back on this. oh, also... for you people who AIM me and start sayin you could have done better, a quick word to you...... if you could have done better... why do you have my source? if you're so elite, why do you need to be looking at code? think about it because that's exactly what im going to say to you when you say those kinds of things to me. This source is NOT bug free. there are bugs in all programs even if they are a final version. this program will definatly have problems though so if you were thinking about changing the caption of the form and compiling it and calling it your own..... you'll get laughed at because there will be problems in the coding. if you're a lamer who has to do that kind of thing to make programs then i suggest deleting this source because it wont help you learn. all its gonna do is make you look stupid. anywho.... i hope this helps you in your quests to make a multi-user chat. - Jon Cromer